The Strategist
When former Strategist senior writer Lauren Levy (née Schwartzberg) tested a bunch of earplugs for sleeping, experts she spoke to told her that some foam earplugs might be too big for average (or smaller than average) ear canals. That’s one reason why she named these Swedish-designed silicone earplugs from Happy Ears as her favorites…
Originally published on the Strategist by Karen Iorio Adelson Lauren and Louis Cheslaw. Photography by Bobby Doherty/ New York Magazine Mars 16, 2020.

New York Magazine
The Swedish-designed Happy Ears are formed from an FDA-approved clear thermo-plastic that reduces all noise by 25 decibels on average, enough to turn normal conversation into a muted whisper. The tiny round tip comes in three sizes and gently disappears into the ear, so, for side sleepers, it won’t push against the pillow. Style-conscious quiet-seekers might also delight in knowing these are the first earplugs attractive enough to be sold at the cult Paris boutique Colette.
Originally published in New York Magazine by Lauren Schwartzberg. Photography by Bobby Doherty/New York Magazine September 7, 2016.

Vouge Japan
Having gadgets with unique ideas around you should make it easier for you to come up with wonderful ideas naturally. With magical earplugs that allow you to hear only the sound you want to hear clearly, eye-catching speakers, and other gems that combine a twist of functions and looks, you can expect great work efficiency!
Originally published by Vouge Japan.Photography by Giampaolo Sgura. New York Magazine June 16, 2016.

The Sunday Times
You might want to avoid taking popcorn to the film In Pursuit of Silence by Patrick Shen. You’d feel about as welcome as president-elect Trump at a feminist convention if you did, as much of the film is dedicated to the absence of noise. This isn’t to say the film is boring. It’s a deep, thought-provoking and lusciously shot meditation on the lack of silence in modern life and the deleterious effect it’s having on our bodies and psyches. Shen, who won the first of many awards for his 2005 directorial debut, Flight from Death (about violence and our fear of dying), believes we have become noise addicts…
Originally published on The Sunday Times by Nicola Gill. Photography by Happy Ears. November 27, 2016.

Cool Hunting
Stand at a concert in Sweden and you’ll notice that the vast majority of the crowd will pause moments before the band comes onstage to reach into their pockets and retrieve earplugs. Likewise, on the streets, fingers go in ears the moment an emergency vehicle passes. Suffice it to say:Swedes take protecting their hearing very seriously. Swedish brand Happy Ears is a patented earplug solution that stakes claim at being “the world’s best non-custom earplug”….
Originally published on Cool Hunting by Richard Prime. Photography by Happy Ears August 31, 2015.

Women`s Health
Here`s how to protect youself-and still enjoy modern society (and all its sounds).
Sound is messured in units called decibels (db). Anything over 85 db-fireworks and packed stadiums often clock in at over 115db-can damage small hairs in the ear that carry sounds to your brain, leading to temporary or permanent hearing loss, depending on how long you`re exposed. At 120db, that can happen in as little as two minutes. Limit loud sounds, and if you`re in a place where you have to shout in order to be heard three feet away, protect your ears: The FDA-approved Happy Ears earplugs reduce noise by 25dB.
Originally published by Women`s Health by Alyssa Giacobbe and typography by Muokkaa Studio, June 16, 2016.